Information system IRRIGEN is an irrigation support system which gives the farmer irrigation advice — how long and when to irrigate for a high-quality and quantitative crop with optimal water consumption.

For reliable and accurate irrigation advice, it is necessary to know field conditions, soil properties and the weather forecast.

In the Field

Current conditions in the field are reported regularly, several times a day, by water content sensors in the soil. They send data by means of battery communicators via the LoraWAN network to receivers hundreds of meters away.

Shema sistema
The system - equipment on the field

Data from remote sensors is received by a local receiver on the farm (concentrator) or the public network, if it is established. It transmits the data to the server via the Internet.

The Information System

The following data is collected by the information system:

  • soil moisture and temperature (data from sensors)
  • weather forecast (for a given location)
  • field location and size
  • soil properties (mainly water retention properties)
  • irrigation system information
  • list of cultures in the field and their current phenophase (stage of development)

All data is taken into account by the model for calculating irrigation advice, which produces this advice for a certain field and certain plants several times a day. The advice is displayed to the user via the web application.

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